Cydney Ortzow Painting Company, Inc. works in Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda and San Francisco and neighboring areas. When you call for painting services, we will discuss your project. I’ll then make an appointment to meet you at your house or building and give you a free estimate.
We paint both residential interiors and/ or exteriors of houses. We include color consulting in our estimates to help you make confident decisions about color.
As experienced residential painting contractors, we understand the importance of covering everything and keeping your home very clean. We use a H.E.P.A. Vac (a lead-certified vacuum licensed residential painting contractors are required to use) to collect the dust when sanding. We leave everything very clean for you at the end of the day so you can use your kitchen, bath, bedroom, etc
Clients often ask if they can stay in the house when we are painting the interior. We handle this by painting zones or 1-2 rooms at a time. As part of our service, we move the furniture to the middle of the room and wrapping it. For the kitchen and bathroom, we uncover everything at the end of the day so you can use the rooms in your home.
If we find rotten wood or anything else that needs repairs before painting, I’ll connect you to someone who will make the repairs. It’s always your choice about whether I call the general contractor or handyman/ handyperson, or you make the call, or you fix it yourself. I will call the contractor for you if you wish, and I don’t charge or add a % for the courtesy.
Click here to learn more about No Voc Paints or Low Voc Paints or Color Consulting. To discuss your residential painting project and get a free estimate, call owner Cydney Ortzow at 510-652-4034.